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The forum

In the first edition of the MedCom Forum in Health 2021 with the theme ‘Infectious diseases in the Mediterranean area: approach and criticalities in a frontier reality’, several points for reflection and numerous proposals emerged, thanks to the interventions of the distinguished speakers, both Italian and foreign, who spoke in particular on HIV, HCV, tuberculosis, and others.

In particular, it was possible to ascertain that, at present, there is no complete knowledge of the epidemiological situation in the Mediterranean area: the data available to the scientific community are still fragmentary and partial, only noting the realities related to certain geographical areas.

The need to reach a homogenous level of knowledge on the evolution of infectious diseases in this area as soon as possible was called for.
Thanks to the lessons learnt from the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, the need emerged to create and implement specific shared research, training and information programmes to enable timely interactions with Mediterranean countries.

To this end, as a synthesis of the last edition, the creation of a specific ‘task force’ for joint surveillance actions was proposed, envisaging the establishment of an interactive and effective network between the participating countries. The use of a shared ‘language’, capable of following the evolution of infectious diseases, appears today to be of fundamental importance for the preparation of responsible and sustainable choices.

MedCom Forum in Health 2023 therefore aims to address the issue of identifying and implementing specific organisational models for the countries of the Mediterranean area, in order to stimulate shared and synergic action to protect public health in such a vast and complex area.

The management of this process, in particular for infectious diseases such as HIV, HCV, tuberculosis, AMR and other pandemic and endemic forms, would find its natural centrality in a region such as Sicily, which has always been a crossroads of different Mediterranean cultures.

The objective of comparing organisational models and systems applied within each country would make it possible to identify proposals for the future organisation of infectious disease healthcare in the Mediterranean area. The participating Mediterranean countries will be invited to make their contribution through speakers from the institutions and the sector covered by the event.

Although the Mediterranean area is geographically a small area compared to the rest of the world, it is important to emphasise that it is precisely from this area that important flows of people, goods and relationships capable of influencing the planet transit. An important reflection on the opportunities to be seized, therefore, for greater shared control towards joint responsible action to protect the health of a multifaceted and dynamic area.



Event date
18 -19 May 2023

Event venue
Aula Magna Giancarlo De Carlo
University of Catania
Piazza Dante – Catania